Hurricane Beryl, Preparedness, & The Crucial Necessity of Being Proactive
Humanity is Woefully Unprepared for the Next Great Storm Which Promises to Hit Us Hard
Life can have blatant or even subtle ways of teaching us lessons. But, not everybody learns. I’d go as far as to say the greater than 80% of the population has a difficult time learning from their past mistakes, given the state of the world as it is right now. I’ve always been the kind of person who pays attention and is very observant of my surroundings, wherever I am and no matter the situation. I’m also the kind of person who doesn’t need to be told twice. I learn from my mistakes the first time and rarely, if ever, repeat wrongful actions. I really wish the rest of the world was that way, but here we are.
On Sunday night, July 7th, I went to bed believing from what I was told by the professional meteorologist on the “news” that the tropical depression in the Gulf of Mexico was going to come ashore as a Category 1 hurricane at least a couple hundred miles south of me, that it would eventually head north, well west of Houston, and we would receive about 4 to 5 inches of rain from the extreme outer bands. I also figured the power would go out, as it usually does these days, but for a few hours at most
When I woke up about around 6:46am, roughly 10 minutes after my power went out and because I already began to feel the temperature rise in my bedroom, I got my phone out of my nightstand to look at the Accuweather app on my phone. To my surprise, the eye of the hurricane was directly west of downtown Houston and my town was right square in the “dirty” side of the hurricane, which delivered sustained winds of 50-80 mph for approximately 3 hours.
Surprisingly, this was the FIRST hurricane I had ever lived through in my life. I literally outran Harvey as it came ashore in 2017 because I was on my way to Austin for the weekend, and I didn’t return home until Tuesday. Even then, 5 days later, it took me 7 hours to make a normally 3 hour trip back home because of all the roads blocked by flooding.

So, I didn’t really know what to expect, but I set up my generator on my covered front porch to protect it from the elements of the storm and hung out in my kitchen, watching the trees as they got whipped back and forth in the extreme winds.
A single fence panel on the neighbor’s house across the street had already been ripped off by 7 am, but by 8 o’clock, it was 80% destroyed. I didn’t realize the extent of the damage it had caused until later in the day when I walked around the neighborhood, but it was much worse than I had anticipated. Trees were down everywhere, and debris littered the ground no matter where you turned your head. It was a complete disaster area and a few homes here and there had a tree that had crashed through their roof.

At the time, I didn’t know just how long we’d be without grid power, but I figured it would at least be a few days. As I begin to write this, it’s now been a full week and 9 hours and I got notified last night that my neighborhood would most likely be without power until this coming FRIDAY! That’ll be a total of 11 ½ days without the entire house powered and for just a category 1 hurricane with tropical depression force winds by the time it hit us. I can’t imagine how much worse it could have been had it been more powerful, but massive trees took out power lines in numerous places around my neighborhood, so it’s taking longer than expected.
[Quick update here: My power WAS restored on Tuesday evening, 8 ½ days after the storm.]
As I looked on the local social media site Nextdoor for updates on the progress of the power company, it shocked me just how angry and entitled people have become over the past few decades. The anger at the utility company that’s doing the best possible job they can given the circumstances is not helping anything to be fixed any sooner, but it seems that it’s the only way some people know how to act in distressful situations. They don’t want to take responsibility for not preparing when the could instead just point fingers and lay blame on others.
Fixing the extensive damage after a hurricane is a massive undertaking and a process that simply takes time and thousands of workers and man hours to undo. So patience is required. I’m also a bit shocked at just how many people have still never bothered to PREPARE for such a situation like this. So many people are so dependent on either government or others to take care of them in emergency situations because they were’t responsible enough to do what was necessary to maintain a certain level of comfort during the repair phase, no matter how long it takes.
But, we ALL live in an area that is prone to hurricanes and the devastating effects that can potentially come with them. And, thankfully, for the first 8 years I lived here, I didn’t have the need to get fully prepared, but as soon as I heard about Harvey, even a week before it hit, I took action and got everything I needed to maintain some level of normalcy in whatever circumstance I was to face. I bought a generator and stocked up on 25 gallons of gasoline. I have always had a good supply of food on hand, frozen and otherwise, in the case of an emergency, but, the generator was the one box I had yet to check off my preparations list.
And, ironically, I never even needed it for Harvey. The power went out for a total of about 30 minutes during that entire event, so when it was over, I returned the one I had gotten and upgraded for a more powerful 4500 peak watt model because the original 3500 peak watt unit was the only one available before the storm. I wouldn’t need to break it out until four years later, in February of 2021 during the deep freeze in Texas that knocked out almost the entire grid throughout the state. I was without power for 36 hours back then, but had plenty of food to eat and wood to burn in my fireplace to keep at least the main living room a tolerable temperature in sub-freezing temperatures outside.
As the grid seemingly continues to degrade by design, I have now had to use it 5 times in just 2 ½ years when I hadn’t needed one for the first 13 years that I lived here! It strikes me as a bit of an metaphor for the degradation of society itself and the rate at which it’s accelerated this century. Everything seems to be decaying, and understanding what I now do after 17 years of research, I know why it’s being done as well as the agenda behind it.
And, that is the real purpose for writing this blog. Because I look around at the people in this world and most are completely oblivious to what is coming next. Much like the devastation of a hurricane, the populations of the world are subject to one assault after another by the criminal ruling class in control of the economic engine which enriches them while it steals from the working classes at an ever increasing rate. And just like this parasitical and predatory class of socio and psychopaths, a hurricane comes through and leaves indiscriminate damage, moving on with no remorse whatsoever about what it’s done to the people in its wake. The 2020 plandemic event should have proved that to us all beyond the shadow of any doubt.
So, the question of our generation remains, “what can and, more importantly, what MUST we do to prepare for the next great assault on our world?” Because, those of us who understand how our world really works, KNOW it’s coming. We may not know exactly when, but we know it is going to happen, so it’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN. And the destruction it will leave in it’s wake will be exponentially worse across the entire world than the localized damage of hurricane Beryl.
But, to know and not prepare is the exact same problem I see as I look around my community, witnessing people with no power at all. As I Rollerbladed with my dog, Tiger, last night, I noticed a distinct aroma in the air that was different from any other time we had gone on our daily 2 mile route. It wasn’t until about 1 ½ miles into his run that I finally realized what that odor was. Today was garbage day and everyone had put the spoiled food in their cans out to the curb to be taken away. That’s how many people were unprepared for this storm and the after effects of it. Nearly the entire neighborhood stunk of the pungent odor of a land fill and rotting food that had gone bad because so many didn’t have any way to keep their refrigerators running in a grid-down situation!
And, that is the exact same reason that humanity is in the state it’s in right now. Instead of being proactive, the majority are perpetually stuck in REACTIVE mode. We continue to be abused by one psychological operation after another by the cabal that controls our world and our perceived “reality,” but the majority refuse to either believe it’s happening on purpose because they are still controlled by their ego-mind, or they think if they just accept the next level of their loss of freedoms that it will finally stop. Mostly, they just mindlessly believe the gaslighting and propaganda; almost always without question, and blindly accept whatever “official narrative” is put out by those they, again, willfully accept as “legitimate authority figures” who would never lie to them, God forbid! “They care about us!” is the excuse of the hopelessly naïve.
So, this is the situation in which we find ourselves in the world today. We are surrounded by a population operating and living their lives in a state of near complete mindlessness who have literally no connection to the objective reality in which we all live. They have little to no understanding of the financial and economic system of our world, how IT is THE primary tool of enslavement, and the mechanism for the theft of the wealth of the people of this world.
The debt bubble is now exponentially greater than it was in 2008, and yet most are completely oblivious to all of it, worrying only about today and not thinking about the future or what the consequences of this insane economic model will have on them. We have been promised by the World Economic Forum that in just 5 ½ years from now, “you will own nothing, and you will be happy.” It seems to me that they are on schedule to implement and fulfill their plans
.But, the coming devastation promises to be much worse than that of a hurricane, because with a hurricane, it takes time, but we CAN and mostly DO return to a sense of normalcy after the fact. What’s coming will NEVER allow us to return to any sense of what we now consider “normal.” We have been told over and over by the powers that shouldn’t be what they plan on doing by imposing the complete control over everyone with digital currency. And yet, very few are concerned and willing to either prepare for the after effects of this coming storm, or, even better, work to create an ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM to which we can all transition that would completely render whatever “they” can do with their insane economic system completely impotent.
And, that is the REAL solution we ALL need to be focused on and preparing for right now. It’s one thing to accumulate tangible assets which will maintain some level of value after the great, worldwide financial collapse that’s coming, but why wouldn’t we be doing all we can RIGHT NOW to ensure that whatever they have planned cannot have any adverse affects on us at ALL!? That is the ultimate prep and macro solution to what has already been projected to come in our near future, so what is everyone waiting for? We MUST break free of this endless cycle of reacting to the abuse they impose on us over and over. We KNOW they will do it again.
Doing what we’ve always done our entire lives has not changed a thing and, in reality, everything has only gotten progressively worse. And despite all of the empty promises and rhetoric from every politician out there, outside of a few rare outliers like Ron Paul (who served with integrity, but was overwhelmingly outnumbered so couldn’t accomplish anything he had set out to do in office), nothing ever changes in our favor. So, the System is rigged against us all, but the mindless masses continue to vote for more of the same. It’s beyond my ability to comprehend that people can still not see that the System is either irreparably broken, or created to run exactly as it is. But, either way, as Lysander Spooner wrote in his magnum opus, “No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority,” it is unfit to exist.
So, what CAN we do? How do we get out of this System that is either broken or created to specifically and covertly usurp the wealth of the real creators in this world? We can’t vote our way out and they have complete control of the “legal” system, so our remedies and redress of grievances are non-existent within the System, itself. What can we do to either prepare for the coming great storm, or even better, what can we do proactively to create an alternative so that it has no effect on us at all?
Those are questions that have driven me and my work for over 17 years now, since I first watched Aaron Russo’s, “America: Freedom to Fascism” back in April of 2007, and it finally woke me up to the reality of our situation. I have spent tens of thousands of hours of extensive research, writing, and deep thinking to come to an understanding of the only truly viable solution to the human condition as it is in our world today. Since we can’t beat them in their own System because it is structured from top to bottom to protect itself from external attack, the only real option we have available to us is to unite, cooperatively work with one another, and BUILD OUTSIDE of the System, as Buckminster Fuller suggested was the only viable solution as well when he said,
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
We know our history. We can easily discern what’s gone wrong and we can understand the self-evident truths of how to build a replacement system which remedies all that has gone wrong with the top-down, command and control, hierarchical System that’s abused and mentally enslaved humanity for centuries. So, I’ve taken the advice of Fuller and built a new model that would make the existing one obsolete. And, it could be created within less than a year if we could build a critical mass of people who are so fed up with the existing reality that they will work together in ensuring the new one is not only built, but implemented and successful beyond anyone’s current imagination. Well, maybe anyone’s but mine, because I already see that new model in operation in my mind, and it’s an incredibly beautiful and bountiful world.
This is a world in which the ability for any group of people to collaborate or conspire to coerce or oppress any number of people would be impossible moving forward. Because it is a system based fully in Natural Law. It is a system in which all power is held by the individual and, thus, fully decentralized throughout the entire population. It is a system in which the individual is recognized as sovereign and guaranteed as such by a new constitution and system of social contracts that truly DO protect everyone as never before in human history.
It is a system which honors, first and foremost, our natural world and gives it the level of respect it deserves, above all else. It is a system in which everyone would thrive in abundance because the economic model is one which completely eliminates debt, time value, and the speculation of currency. It is a model that, because it is fully aligned with Natural Law, is a self-correcting mechanism, where any single individual is able to call out any potential violations, be heard publicly and in a court of common law, if necessary, and the problem remedied BEFORE it becomes detrimental to others. It is a system which puts people and nature FIRST, over all else in society.
It is a system which will ONLY come to fruition if the people unite and work together to build and implement it. This is what we need to be doing NOW to prepare for the coming storm. We must get out of the reactive mode humanity has been operating on for millennia. If we ever hope to be free in this world, THIS is the type of action we MUST be taking now, before it becomes too late to do so. By being proactive, for perhaps the first time ever in history, we will have the power to change the outcome that has been long planned by the evil that has been controlling our reality for longer than most can possibly fathom.
The lesson that voting for people to “represent” your interests in a government that has clearly been taken over by the central banks and corporations of our world is one of the most important to which I referred in the first 2 sentences of this article. And most have still not learned that this is a futile and meaningless exercise. So, this is why we stagnate in this current status quo. This is why society continues to decay. The majority are keeping us all on this plantation of debt slavery with their blind ignorance to the fact that representative DUMBocracy is not, nor ever will be the path to freedom or an improved human condition.
We can and we must do everything necessary and in our power to stop the next great storm before it ever has a chance to hit us. That is the only way we will be able to alter the long planned dystopian future from coming to fruition. A simple plan of action has already been created and proposed. All you need to do is look at it, share it with others and get this conversation into the public consciousness. That is the only way we will take our power back and begin to allow the world to heal from generations of abuse. WE must do the work because freedom will never be given to us by those who have enslaved us. It must be earned, but it can be done peacefully, without a single act of violence. This is the only logical way forward...
In the end, because I was prepared, I only had to deal with the annoyance of not having grid power for 8 ½ days. I was able to keep my food from spoiling, my house lit up, my laptops powered along with my Internet and WiFi, and I even was able to do so from the comfort of an air conditioned bedroom. So, the overwhelming benefit of preparation and being proactive proves once again that it is the only way to live. We must prepare NOW so that we will not suffer the consequences of failing to do so. Because the pain to come is not what any human being will ever want to suffer in their lifetime, or pass on to their children because they were negligent in their responsibilities to stop it from happening.
The following are links to all of the video series I have created over the past 4 years which illustrate the vision of this alternative societal system, the roadmap to get there, the infrastructure of how this system would operate, and the documentation which supports all of it. If we want a better world, this is the key to creating it. No one else has offered such a comprehensive plan, so this is more than worth your time to look at.
Those who have and understand the true nature of our current reality have all unanimously agreed that this plan is the best they have ever seen proposed. So, I humbly invite you to spend some of your time to look at it all and pay attention to what is being said. This proposed Natural Law Republic would give you a level of freedom you have NEVER BEFORE experienced in your lifetime and in this world. You have to seriously ask yourself if you want that kind of world and reality, or will you do nothing and continue to let the status quo fester in our world? If we want a better world it will ONLY come from the effort WE put into creating it.
Video Series 1: The Vision of a Superior Alternative Societal Structure
Manifesting a New Reality
Video Series 2: What Needs To Be Done To Reclaim Our Power
The Path to Freedom
Video Series 3: Creating a New Constitution & Republic w/ New Checks & Balances
Creating a Natural Law Republic
Video Series 4: Four Part Audio Blog Overview of the Problem & Solution
Emancipation Proclamation 2.0[22]: Building the Breakaway Civilization
Documentation for The Natural Law Republic:
The Freedom Project 2020 Documentation on The Internet Archive
Hi Jake, I only became aware of you about a month ago I think, via Don Findlay. I’ve watched a couple of your videos, but I’m so glad you’ve put them altogether. I’m extremely interested in what you are proposing. But for context, I live down under. I understand that if America is successful in what you propose, Australia probably would be also. And many other countries.
So I’ll be watching your videos, but it will be slow, as I have a small family and we all have various health challenges. Not from covid jabs, no way.
I also live in an area where the power goes off fairly frequently, but, we have a bit of savings, but have had to buy other essentials, big ones, I mean. I would love to have a generator, but sometimes something like that has to wait. The most we’ve had to go without power is 4 days I think. Most of our food survived. So I realise the amount of work you’ve had to do with producing these videos, but I don’t know how long I’ll take watching them, maybe other people are the same. So I know it’s been a lot of work for you, with just a bit more patience, as more people get through them, hopefully a big shift will happen. Sorry I’m rambling a bit-not much sleep here for me last night, just one of those bad nights.
Jake, this is absolutely fantastic work-I’m plugging it to fellow Aussies, as best I can!