The Last New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Have to Make
Accepting The Universal Truths That Could Change Everything
That time of the year has come once again when millions will make personal commitments to change or improve their lives, but for most, these new commitments will fail in the end, and rather quickly as well. Yes, “Quitters Day” is a real thing and a recent survey has revealed that as many as 80% give up on their promises to themselves by just the second Friday in January. Changing habits, it seems, is much harder than just “resolving” to do so. It requires something much deeper than just a thought or uninspired “ambition.” It requires integrity. It requires REAL desire to actually change. And that, it seems, is where most people falter because resorting to old patterns and taking the path of least resistance is simply “easier” for most. This is why the status quo remains in not only individual lives, but overall society, in general.
But, is it solely the individual at fault or is there something much deeper at play here? I’ve known for years that the trifecta of societal decay is ignorance, arrogance, and apathy, but what is actually causing so many individuals to default to those character traits? Is it simply the ego-mind controlling the consciousness of so many in our world, or is it the System itself that is creating such an absurd world of insanity and perpetual chaos while offering nothing more than illogical explanations passing as the “official narrative” for every major, paradigm shifting event or psyop related to government and corporations; and then propagated by a controlled and weaponized media machine to convince the public that this is their “true reality?” I mean, they would never lie, would they? Is the failure in so many to give up on their “resolutions” due to an innate feeling that no matter what we do, any personal “improvement” isn’t going to change the System that is ultimately creating this feeling of futility? Why bother, then, right?
I mean, in many ways, it doesn’t matter how much we try, individually. The System is designed to deceive us, to abuse us, to gaslight us, to harvest our energy and wealth, and keep us divided into boxes from which most will never break free to realize that the System IS the problem; impulsively choosing to cast blame and point fingers at others, rather than the manufactured social construct itself. So, they attempt to engage in personal change only to realize that it’s just too hard to maintain in a world created to reward mediocrity and suppress individual growth, and they ultimately revert back to their comfortable, old “normal.”
After all that I’ve researched and observed over the past nearly 18 years now, and understanding just how the System is designed to keep the majority in place and to never question the nature of their “reality;” I know that nothing will improve until enough people finally commit to not only changing the System, but eradicating it from existence, never allowing any institutions resembling anything close to what we have now to do the immense harm they’ve done to humanity and our world for centuries, ever again. And, there is one simple ideology behind which we all can and should unite if we ever hope to dissolve this System and reclaim the power and individual freedom we are meant to have.
And, that ideology is the ONE “New Year’s Resolution” we should all commit to learning, understanding, and applying to our lives. Because this one ideology is common to all living beings in our world. This one common ideology is in effect for all of our lives from the moment we’re born until the moment we move on from this realm of reality. It’s the one ideology, that if fully understood and embraced by enough people, would completely change our world, because once we align with it and begin to practice the simple moral maxims which define it, the world would have no choice BUT to change for the benefit of everyone.
And, if you’ve followed me and my work for any amount of time, you will know full well what this ideology is. It’s simply, Natural Law. It’s the ideology I first came across in my research and work nearly 14 years ago. At the time I had been focusing my research on the education system, reading the works of Charlotte Iserbyt, John Taylor Gatto, and many others. But it was a great podcast by Brett Veinotte called, “School Sucks” that really got me on to delving deeper into the solutions about how to reclaim the full capacity of a mind that had been hijacked by the System since birth. This applies to everyone who has been given a ‘compulsory’ government education.
From there, I discovered Jan Irvin’s “Gnostic Media” podcast and began learning about the Trivium, which has allowed me to develop a highly critical thinking mind and see through the deception by which the vast majority are still so easily fooled. During this profoundly life-altering period of my life (roughly 2009-2014), I had been listening to many podcasts that all synergistically enhanced one other. I would get little bits of information from each one that would give me one more piece of the puzzle in ultimately understanding not only the Big Picture, but in formulating the ideas that could ultimately bring this absurd social structure to its timely and necessary end, if humanity ever hopes to be truly free and has the will to reclaim their power.
I had also been listening to hours upon hours of “The Peace Revolution” podcast from Richard Grove, as well as “What on Earth is Happening?” from Mark Passio, and it was during this time period of my life that I was first introduced to the ideology of Natural Law. I’m not sure exactly which podcast, in particular, first introduced me to the idea, but it was Richard Grove who diligently and meticulously edited the nearly 9 hour Natural Law seminar given by Mark Passio in October of 2013 for the entire world to see on YouTube that had the greatest impact on my real education.
It was after watching this entire presentation when I came to the realization that embracing and applying this ideology was the solution to all of the world’s problems. So I refocused all of the work I had been doing on “exposing the problems” in my “Great Awakening” book trilogy, and shifted the focus to “how do we actually FIX them?” building off of all of this knowledge I had acquired the previous 4 years. Because it’s one thing to tell people how bad things really are in this world, but if you don’t have a viable solution for them, they have proven over and over that they’d rather not know, and keep their heads firmly buried in the sand. And, sadly, even if you have a better idea, most will choose to stick with their programmed perception of reality rather than have to unlearn all they have accepted as “truth” their entire lives.
This is why the world is and remains in the perpetual state of chaos it is and has been for generations.
But, after learning all that I had learned about critical thinking and Natural Law, I began to apply it to all areas of my life. Everything I did, I did from a perspective of Natural Law. I thought critically about the positive benefits or negative consequences of every action I would take, and then decide if it was worth it or not. Because Natural Law is the perfect guide for making every decision with which we could ever be presented. Truth is black and white. There is no grey area when it comes to objectivity. There is only grey in subjective opinion, but not objective truth. And Natural Law defines all objective truth, whether known or unknown to mankind.
I have tested this hypothesis, over and over, for more than a decade now. And, it never fails. For every problem that I see in our world (and every individual problem as well), there is at its root, a simple violation of Natural Law. For every “bad” thing that happens, at least one of the four (and possibly more) moral maxims of Natural Law has been violated. And so, the solution immediately becomes self-evident. This is the undeniable power and effectiveness of learning and applying this ideology to all aspects of life and social interaction.
And, this is why I say that committing to learning about Natural Law and critical thinking is the last “New Year’s Resolution” anyone would ever have to make. Because once someone knows, internalizes, and begins to live with this ideology as their driving force, they are embodied with a spirit of kaizen and constantly looking to improve anything which they see as out of alignment with Natural Law. Thus, the annual (mostly futile attempts) of “resolving” to change becomes unnecessary. Because once an individual learns and begins to live this way, everything changes. Not all at once, but gradually. That is how powerful this ideology and omnipotent force truly is. Because, whether we want to believe it or not, it’s also omniscient and omnipresent. If one escapes it temporarily, it will eventually catch up. We can violate Natural Law all we want, but we cannot escape the eventual consequences of doing do.
Thus, this can be applied to any and every problem in your life, and it can be done so throughout the year, incrementally. You can start with small annoyances first, and once you have conquered those, you can move on to bigger issues with the confidence that applying this simple ideology will solve the next one as well. And, again, this is why I have chosen to specifically name my Substack blog and YouTube channel, “Kaizen and The Pursuit of Truth.” Because all of my work is focused on actually FIXING our world and creating a better human condition for everyone. So, by teaching these principles, everyone can learn and share them with others. This is the grassroots revolution which will restore sanity in our world in a way that nothing else will succeed at doing in such an effective and efficient manner.
Because it’s SIMPLE.
All of what anyone needs to begin to learn, understand and apply to commit to this one final New Year’s Resolution can be found in the Foundational Video Series on my YouTube channel. It begins with understanding Kaizen and teaching the basic fundamentals of Natural Law, moves on to an explanation of why the majority in our world are so painfully ignorant because of the “Lost Tools of Learning,” to understanding the etymological roots of what it means to be a true, classical Liberal, and concludes with a “Crash Course in Critical Thinking.” It is the essence of what was to be published in Volume 1 of my never completed “Great Awakening” trilogy, which focused on reclaiming the mind and fixing the broken social order.
The second book of the trilogy was going to cover achieving optimal health. And while that book was obviously never published either, the four part video series covering the most important information from that research is finally complete and will be released this coming week, beginning on Monday, January 6th, 2025! Like everything else that I talk about, it too, focuses on the Natural Law principles of not only creating a state of optimal health in one’s life, but maintaining it for the rest of your life.
Because, again, by applying the simple maxims of Natural Law to any area of our life, we will find the balance that we are seeking. The reason being, Natural Law is a self-correcting mechanism. Every misstep becomes obvious to everyone who understands that Natural Law is in effect, and the change is simple once we commit to avoiding the negative consequences any longer. And, this same ideology can be applied to how our entire society and civilization is run as well.
I personally never adopted this ideology as a “New Year’s Resolution,” but I steadily applied it to everything in not only my life, but have been able to look at all of civilization through this lens of complete clarity. And, it’s made a significant difference in my life. As I was compiling the images for the slide shows for my Optimal Health Video Series over the past few months, I came to the realization that I have the exact same body at 57 that I had at 21 years old. And, it’s only because of my understanding and alignment with this omnipotent power of Natural Law.
Knowing first hand just how profound a change it’s had on my life, I know just how profound an impact it can have on everyone. So, if you’re looking for that one thing that can have the greatest return on investment of your time to jumpstart a change in your life that will finally stick for the rest of your life, learning and incrementally applying the ideology of Natural Law is the last resolution you’ll ever have to make. Everything else will begin fall into place from that point on. And once enough people come to this understanding, the world will finally change for the better.