Billions of People Violate Natural Law Every Single Day
Far Too Often, It’s The Innocent Who Suffer the Consequences
On Saturday, February 1st, I was the victim of a driver mindlessly operating a 6000 pound weapon of indiscriminate destruction, and whomever was driving got away scot free. I’m the one who now needs to heal because of the thoughtless and careless actions of someone else. But, there are billions of victims in our world every day because of the Babylon System in which we live, and the mindlessness we see rampant throughout society today is a consequence of the System itself.
I live in a community in Texas where there are no sidewalks in the neighborhoods, so people walk their dogs, their children, and the kids walk home from school on the streets, if they don’t want to go through the greenbelts. I have been rollerblading with my dogs throughout my community for the better part of 15 years now. I first started with Rusty, an abandoned stray German Shepherd/Chow mix who ended up being part of the family when no one spoke up to claim him in October of 2010.
He was a runner. If the front door was cracked just a quarter inch, he could see the light, and before I could stop him, he had opened the door and was already half way down the street. Understanding that it was his nature to want to run, and as someone who abhors running ever since I left the military, I dusted off my old Rollerblades from the mid 90s and thought I’d see how well that worked out.
It was an overwhelming HIT! He LOVED it and so it became our thing to do every day, as long as the roads were dry. At an average of 2 miles per day, I’ve put in thousands of miles on my blades since 2010. While I have had a few mishaps and accidents here and there, and been banged up a little bit, nothing compares to what happened to me on Saturday evening.
It’s usually a random rock or stick in the road that causes me to fall and it’s usually only a few times per year, at most. As a former gymnast, I know how to fall to minimize the impact and my body heals very quickly because of my diet. But, Saturday’s was the worst injury to date.
I was having a great day. The short Houston “winter” had broken after about a week and it was a very comfortable 74 degrees outside. I had just gotten home from the farm to get 4 gallons of raw milk, which was pleasantly on sale. They had not only dropped their prices from $10/gallon to $8/gallon, but they were offering Buy 2/Get 2 Free! Score! Four gallons for just $16, which was awesome given my current financial situation. So, it was a good day, indeed.
But, I digress. As soon as we got home, it was time to go for our run. Tiger and Amber were excited as they always are and it was a typical and uneventful run up until the home stretch.
Now, as I stated at the beginning of this article, I live in a community where it is a common, daily occurrence to see pedestrians using the street. And, as such, people who live here are aware of that and always give a wide berth to those in the streets when driving out of simple courtesy. And, for as long as I have been rollerblading with my dogs, I have always used the left curb, so I could see oncoming traffic, and react if I needed to. They usually just move to their left and I always give a friendly wave of thanks for the space. This is just the way things go here.
Until Saturday evening.
First, let me explain the situation in doing this with two dogs as opposed to one. I have a bifurcated leash at the end of the main, retractable leash so they are together, but still have freedom of movement. It’s worked out very well since adding Amber to the family and she’s grown to be a very powerful little puppy already.
But, still being a puppy, she is very curious and always on the lookout for squirrels and cats on our runs. If she sees one in a yard to our right, she will pull to the right, but Tiger keeps his track on the curb. So, they can be as far as 4 feet apart from one another at many times during our run. She has also become the leader of the pack as far as brute strength and it is usually Amber who is setting the pace, especially if she does see a critter up the road a bit. It’s like the turbo kicked in and our speed increases significantly. I’m guessing at our top, 2 dog power speed, we are moving roughly around 18-20 mph. They are both solid muscle.
So, that’s the basic situation I deal with every day. It’s a form of controlled chaos, but we all pretty much understand one another and they are responsive to my commands to “hold up,” and, “OK, Go!” when we come to an intersection or taking off once again.
As we crossed a main artery intersection, they had just about gotten to full speed, and I could see a car coming at me from about 12-15 houses down the street. Normally, by just 10 houses away, they would see me and begin to shift their lane away from mine. But, this car wasn’t moving. At all. In fact, as it got closer, it seems to drift right, cutting my lane down to just a couple feet.
I had been waving my right arm as I usually do to get their attention, but to no avail. And as I was moving probably 15 mph towards him and he was moving at least 30 mph towards me, I didn’t have much time to make a decision. I had already gotten as far to the left of the road as I could, but I was worried about Amber, who always strays to the right.
It all happened so quickly, and I had to make a split decision as he was within feet from me at this point. In a final act of desperation as the only way possible to keep my dogs out of harm’s way, I hurled my entire body to the left, onto the grassy lawn, pulling on the leash to get them as close to the curb as possible. As the car flew past us, it was probably just 2 feet from the curb, leaving us we virtually no room at all.
And, being 100% focused on the car as well as where my dogs were, I didn’t even see what was just ahead in the lawn, right at the curb. Within a second of launching my body onto the grass, I abruptly halted to sudden, jolting pain. I had slammed into a 4x4 mailbox post right across my thighs, midway between my knees and my hips. OUCH!
All I remember initially was screaming at the top of my lungs, looking back at the car, yelling for it to stop, but all the neighbors within earshot came running. A car behind him about 100 yards away had seen the entire thing and stopped to assist.
As I continued to yell out in pain, I began to sit up, but initially, I could not move my legs. My first thought is that I had broken both of my femur bones because of the force of the impact. But, I know realize that the force of the blow was so hard that it probably stunned all of the nerves in my legs and I just couldn’t feel a thing for a few minutes. It was genuinely scary not being able to move them. So many things flash through your mind in a moment like that.
After a few minutes, the feeling came back and I felt to see if there was a fracture. They seemed to still be intact. Phew... I laid on the ground as the neighbors called 911. After about 5 minutes, I was able to get to my feet to check out how my legs felt. They were very sore, as you could imagine having endured a severe traumatic blow such as that. But, I was thankful that they were both still in one piece and I could still support my weight. Imagine if a major league slugger took a baseball bat and swung it at your legs as hard as they do to hit a home run. That’s what it felt like. I don’t know what the formula for force would be, but imagine 172 pounds moving at 15 miles per hours hitting an immovable object. If you know what the physics calculations are, feel free to let me know.
The EMS arrived and I declined all service, and then the police showed up and basically said there was nothing they could do because the car had not actually hit us. Failure to yield to pedestrian? Leaving the scene of an accident? They were basically worthless, but he did offer to follow me home to make sure I got there safely. I had asked for ride, but he said he couldn’t because of the dogs and that he’d have to cuff me to put me in his SUV. “Protect and Serve,” indeed...
Saturday night was pretty rough. I was in excruciating pain and it was difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep. When I finally was exhausted enough (probably around 3:30 am), I passed out in a position in which I have learned not to sleep over the years. I woke up around 5:30 am with a very painful knot in my left trapezius muscle because I had fallen asleep with all my weight on my shoulder. Insult had been added to injury. Now I have three points of pain in my body!
This will take a while to heal, but I will mend, as I always do. I won’t be able to run the dogs for a few weeks, but we’ll play with the tennis balls in the back yard for exercise.
Anyway, back to the topic of this article, because I wrote this as a teachable moment for everyone who reads it. What happened to me yesterday was a situation in which someone imposed their will up on me, without my consent. He was in a car and his responsibility was to be aware of his surroundings and to avoid pedestrians. But, for whatever reason, he didn’t. His actions threatened both mine and my dogs’ well being. His mindlessness caused me to be harmed and he got away with no penalty, whatsoever. I will suffer 100% of the consequences of someone else’s careless actions.
And, this happens every single day in our world. It is a simple violation of Natural Law and the Non-Aggression Principle. I was treated in a way I am sure the person who did what he did would not want to be treated himself, given the same scenario and the tables were turned. His violation of the Golden Rule, or the first moral maxim of Natural Law, caused ME harm. I did nothing wrong, other than taking evasive actions to protect my dogs.
But, hitting the mailbox was a violation of Natural Law as well, because hitting a solid, immovable object with your body at high speed is going to cause damage. And, I am paying the price and suffering the consequences of doing what I did. But, I wasn’t aware of the mailbox when I did it. I was essentially forced into it by someone else. My greatest concern at the time was the safety of my dogs.
Ever since I first began learning about Natural Law, starting back around 2010-11, I have been applying the principle to pretty much every problem I see in our world. And, what I have found is that for every single problem in our world, at the very root of it, is a simple violation of one of 4 moral maxims of Natural Law. It has never failed to prove it’s validity as a guide to how we should be living our lives and running our societies, when correctly applied.
But, the Babylon/Matrix System operates fully in violation of ALL FOUR moral maxims of Natural Law every single day of our lives, and the very reason why there is so much chaos, misery, and suffering in our world. The controllers of the System treat everyone in ways I am sure they would not like to be treated themselves. They steal as a matter their very business model which enables them to not only thrive in a world in which THEY offer no real value to society, but do so at a level of obscene wealth and income inequality compared to those who actually CREATE everything we see in the material world. Everything THEY have has come to them via theft and gross violations of Natural Law. It is a System of pure evil that most people seem to have no problem allowing to persist because they are unaware of how it really operates and have shown very little interest in learning.
The contracts under which they claim “authority” and “jurisdiction” are all based in constructive fraud and are not legally binding contracts. They are adhesion contracts that convert individual and inherent natural rights into “privileges” which can then be taken away at the whim of the enforcers of “laws” and “legalese” that ultimately violate Natural Law. Their oligarchical corporate business model is designed to extract and use natural resources at the cheapest cost possible, including human resources, so it doesn’t respect the balance of our natural world in any way, shape, or form. It also creates an abhorrent human condition whereby more than half the world have to live in a perpetual state of survival, instead of thriving in abundance as would be the case in a Natural Law Republic.
And, yet, billions of people routinely put up with this abuse and being treated as common livestock by the System, even though a superior system has been proposed in which all of humanity would benefit and we’d peacefully take our power back from those whom have taken from us through deceptive misdirection.
This is why I do what I do. Because the System MUST be abolished if humanity is to ever experience true freedom and a world in which oppression and coercion is no longer tolerated by anyone. The only truly viable and peaceful solution is to unite as one and transition en masse to the new system.
That is what I have worked on for no pay for the past 18 years and tens of thousands of hours. First I had to learn about how the System worked, and once I understood all that I now understand, I simply began to work on creating a solution to ALL of the problems. Because once you apply the principles and ideology of Natural Law to any problem, the solution immediately becomes self-evident.
This is the only logical and sensible way to design a societal model that creates a win-win situation for everyone, and would make the gross wealth income disparity we see today virtually impossible.
I am currently working on a presentation for the Freedom Under Natural Law conference which will be aired for free on February 22nd and 23rd. It’s titled, “How Do We Get From Where We Are to a World of Complete Freedom?” I am also working on a comprehensive economic model that fully aligns with Natural Law as well and would be integral in implementing a new system which puts the INDIVIDUAL first and recognizes everyone as free and autonomous sovereigns. I hope to have that finished by the end of March.
We need new ideas. We must break free of the programming that’s kept humanity enslaved under the debt-based, central banking/warfare economic model for centuries. We must do the work that’s required to make this vision come to fruition. Because remaining on the plantation run by the current slave masters is tantamount to being run off the road and slamming into a mailbox. It will be a very painful future if we don’t take the proactive measures necessary to avoid their dreams of full spectrum dominance over our lives.
If we want to be safe and to be free, we must unite with a plan that can actually guarantee that. The proposed Natural Law Republic promises to do just that.
I will eventually heal. But, humanity never will as long as it remains in a System in which it is consistently assaulted and abused. We can do so much better. And, we must, if for no one else, but the children of today who innocently no nothing about the nightmarish, dystopian future being planned for them on our watch. Our parents and past generations failed us. We cannot allow the cycle to continue any longer. It’s time for it to be broken once, and for all time to come. We are the only ones who can assure it happens.
We must see the analogy that Jake is showing here. The driver broke Natural Law, and hurt Jake (could have killed all three), and got away Scot free.
Those who are “running” our countries/planet are consistently breaking Natural Law-stealing money and time from us at the very least, for their financial and leisurely gain alone.
Mankind has been stuck in this slavery for centuries, and Jake has taken a lot of time without pay of any kind, to research how we can get out of this mess.
I’ve watched a lot of his videos about getting out of this mess, and he explains what we can do in easy to understand videos.
So we should take great interest in what he wants to show us in the near future.
I’m not even American, I’m Aussie, but I know what Jake is proposing, and I know if it happens in America, other “western” states will follow suit.
I haven’t time just now to say more, but ask Jake about his work, and I’m sure he’ll point you in the right direction. We only need to follow Natural Law, and we can be free from our current slavery.
Glad you and your doggies got out of that tight squeeze, relatively well. I also know you are very fit Jake!
glad you and your dogs are ok. what a wonderful life you have given those beautiful rescue pups.