We must see the analogy that Jake is showing here. The driver broke Natural Law, and hurt Jake (could have killed all three), and got away Scot free.

Those who are “running” our countries/planet are consistently breaking Natural Law-stealing money and time from us at the very least, for their financial and leisurely gain alone.

Mankind has been stuck in this slavery for centuries, and Jake has taken a lot of time without pay of any kind, to research how we can get out of this mess.

I’ve watched a lot of his videos about getting out of this mess, and he explains what we can do in easy to understand videos.

So we should take great interest in what he wants to show us in the near future.

I’m not even American, I’m Aussie, but I know what Jake is proposing, and I know if it happens in America, other “western” states will follow suit.

I haven’t time just now to say more, but ask Jake about his work, and I’m sure he’ll point you in the right direction. We only need to follow Natural Law, and we can be free from our current slavery.

Glad you and your doggies got out of that tight squeeze, relatively well. I also know you are very fit Jake!

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Thanks so much! I’ve healed up very nicely, but haven’t been around to respond to comments because I was so focused on creating my latest presentation, which I feel is my most powerful yet! It took me over 80 hours to create! If you missed it, here are the links to both parts which premiered over the weekend. Thanks for all of your support and encouragement!

Part 1: The Nature of Our Cage


Part 2: The Key to Unlock the Cage


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I did miss these Jake-did you email them out, or do a post on the channel? I’m asking because I’m worried about censorship/shadowbanning, etc. I’ll watch them when I have more time-it’s nearly my bedtime here in AU!

I’m very glad you put the links here. Thank you for all your work!

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Thanks for watching! No, I didn't do an official Substack email. I only posted the announcement to Notes, which usually gets buried fairly quickly. But, I knew they would be going on my YouTube channel after the conference, so I didn't worry too much about it. I will be making a full post introducing the work in the near future to send out to all those who missed it. The basic understanding of how positive law has enslaved us without most people knowing is so important for everyone to understand!

Thanks again for your support!

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Yep, for sure, started watching last night here, am about to get into it again. Thank you for doing this!

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glad you and your dogs are ok. what a wonderful life you have given those beautiful rescue pups.

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sorry this happened to you 🥺 I hope you feel better soon try salt bath 🛁 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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What a nightmare! Praying for quick and complete healing for you Jake. We do whatever it takes to protect our fur babies.

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I hope you have a lot of arnica it’s great for bruising

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I healed up incredibly fast!! We were back roller blading by Friday of the following week - just 6 days - and the majority of pain had subsided by Monday. I’m amazed at the healing powers of the human body when you give it the right building blocks! I used turmeric, cell salts, colostrum, and a topical called Emu-Aid which I believe has arnica in it. There is still a tiny remnant of swelling in the right leg, but I hardly bruised at all, which was pretty surprising considering how hard I hit the mailbox!

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So glad you are Ok and on the mend. It’s only been about a year now that I heard about natural law. I have much to learn, but it makes sense. What is bothersome is when you talk to people about it they say “ not in our lifetime “. Of course not with that attitude. So many are stuck in the system, but I do believe a new earth is coming and natural law will be reality. Take good care Jake.

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Thanks, and yes, I healed very quickly! Much more so than I had ever expected, given the level of pain on the first night!

That is also my greatest frustration with people. The apathy and black-pilled attitude that we have no power against the System, which is admittedly run by approximately 6000 people! If you missed it, my most powerful presentation to date premiered over this past weekend during the Freedom Under Natural Law 4: Humanity Rising Conference. It was an amazing weekend of incredible speakers and positive ideas. Here are the two parts to my presentation which can be shared with EVERYONE because they simply take people on a journey from the world as it currently is, to how it COULD be by simply understanding how powerful we truly are! I hope you enjoy it!

Part 1: The Nature of Our Cage


Part 2: The Key to Unlock the Cage


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Thank you I look forward to watching and learning.

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