I appreciate your vulnerability, your losses, and your commitment to the freedom and future of humanity. Thank you.

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Sep 5Liked by Jake Jackson

I'm so sorry for your loss and circumstances, although I'm glad you were able to write this, then purge those emotions.

Sending you love and healing.

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Sep 5Liked by Jake Jackson

RIP Tyler. I cried reading your story. Peace brother.

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Sep 5Liked by Jake Jackson

They’re so sweet & innocent when they’re little, but then they grow up, & we can no longer protect them. You would’ve been an amazing Uncle & friend, & I’m sure he would’ve been better for having you in his life. He needed you, & probably didn’t even know it. We all live with regrets though. The what if’s. And people, especially family, are stubborn. I can relate to being the black sheep. Your family has lost out on knowing the gifts God has given you. Your gift of curiosity for truth. We hear you. And the world needs more black sheep like us to stand up for truth. To bravely stand alone. Fervent in our convictions. There’s always room for learning, & the truth can never be changed. It’s strange how people want to live in denial. Ignorance is bliss. Those psychotropic drugs are so dangerous. I tried many, then found amino acids. GABA, L-theanine, & Glycine help with high anxiety & panic attacks. While 5-HTP helps with depression. No need for big harma meds. I had to find this out the hard way, but at least I found my way. No thanks to my psychologist for 29 years who pharmed me out to get on psychotropic drugs. Crazy. So sorry for the loss of your nephew. He would’ve really enjoyed a cool Uncle like you. Thanks for sharing your story. My extended family is the same. Ugh. 😌

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We outliers do struggle. Deep condolences to the family and to You as well. Love always!

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Sep 5Liked by Jake Jackson

Hugs for your heart...

Solace for your spirit...

Many of us have experienced the isolation from family and I have to say I've gotten to a point of watching the world not only willfully leap off the cliff but snarl and slash and stab and spit at anyone who tries to keep them from their demise...

I wear my ostracization like a merit badge of integrity. It's not a happy honor but it is honorable ...

Our civil lies nation has left honor and integrity and genuine truth from the heart behind.

Babylon is falling and as usual the innocent and the weak and vulnerable without voices are going to take the first and hardest hits .

My all goodness heal all our wounded hearts and let the light that is Drive shadow from all our spirits ...

Stay true stay strong

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I am happy for you to be coming back to ‘feeling’ for the loss of your nephew and all that has happened to you! I am glad you finally broke the ‘disconnection’ with your feelings and broke down after you wrote this piece! Your yearning for the truth and staying true to ‘integrity’ is commendable and I will be happy if you ever need someone to express what you have to offer by emailing me to: cvtrue@gmail.com. It seems you have so much knowledge of ‘natural law’ and I would like to ask if you have had a personal encounter with ‘natural law’ or what I have been told to name it, as the most holy one (God)? You understand how great is the deception and I wonder if you understand how deep is the deception? We have discernment which means we will become the minority in the last days, and it will be very difficult for us to retain that purity what we call the Holy Spirit, though I am here and listening! Know this, some of us, who carry the seal, have been blessed to contain the light of that Holy Spirit, essentially which is one of the same as the holy light that has been ordained in me when I personally encountered it in 2015! Stay true to only a light and a God that is most pure, most holy! We have been tricked that love conquers all, it’s the most holy that does! ‘It does not matter for what you call me, for what you name me, is what you call me but do you KNOW me as the most holy one?’ And ‘it has been written that those who carry my seal can hear from me directly’! These are the words the Vatican have hidden from all of us from a book that is no longer COMPLETELY holy! Just like the master deceiver who tells you lies within the truth, so has this book that been doctored from the Most Holy Son’s teachings! I know how you feel when no-one believes you, how good people would much rather abide by corrupt men who do not truly love them as we do! Thank you for staying true to being authentic and loving earnestly! Stay in purity, and fight back to protect the ones you love, (especially the youth), which you have learnt this now!

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Don't beat yourself up Jake... life is a switchboard that channels the energies that are delivered to our five or six senses. Once cut off from the direct flow from your sister your energies split like a tributary in a river to fulfill a different purpose downstream. We can't be all things to all people so we have to choose carefully and live with the choices we make.

It is a pity sweet Tyler never had the chance to benefit from the love that nourishes your soul and touches all those around you. Our physical reactions to the world around us are largely determined by our emotional environment and it sounds like dear Tyler's may have been pretty stressful.

Embrace your sadness and be thankful for what it teaches you but hold no regrets. You are a fabulous human being.

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